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Tronix Generator Explorer Mini incl. Bag
Tronix Generator Explorer Mini incl. Bag
Kodas: B-291940 The Tronix Explorer Mini is a portable and compact power supply that operates with most studio flash units up to 400Ws allowing you use your studio flash units outside and/or in a location without electricity. Multiple flash units can also be connected as long as their combined peak capacity does not exceed 1200Ws.
The batteries in the Tronix are filled with a gel. These batteries must be charged at least once every 3 months to prevent the gel from drying out. For this reason, there is a warranty period of 1 year available for the internal batteries. If the battery loses its capacity over time, it is possible to replace the battery yourself. These spare batteries are readily available at most specialist electronic shops. The Tronix has a built-in trickle charger, which will prevent the battery from dying and will keep the battery fully charged at any time when connected to a wall outlet. The Tronix Mini can be used on both 110V and 230V.
The generator contains replaceable batteries. These batteries have a warranty period of 1 year.
As an appendix to this product you will find a list of flash units with which the generator has been tested. Should you have any doubts about the compatibility, please feel free to contact us.
Tronix Mini; Bag; Power cord; Instruction manual
The batteries in the Tronix are filled with a gel. These batteries must be charged at least once every 3 months to prevent the gel from drying out. For this reason, there is a warranty period of 1 year available for the internal batteries. If the battery loses its capacity over time, it is possible to replace the battery yourself. These spare batteries are readily available at most specialist electronic shops. The Tronix has a built-in trickle charger, which will prevent the battery from dying and will keep the battery fully charged at any time when connected to a wall outlet. The Tronix Mini can be used on both 110V and 230V.
The generator contains replaceable batteries. These batteries have a warranty period of 1 year.
As an appendix to this product you will find a list of flash units with which the generator has been tested. Should you have any doubts about the compatibility, please feel free to contact us.
Number of Pops and Recycling time | ||
EXP Mini | Monolight | flash Load |
# of flashes/ recycling time | 200WS | 400 / <1sec |
# of flashes/ recycling time | 500WS | 200 / 1 sec |
# of flashes/ recycling time | 600WS | 120+ / 1-2 sec |
# of flashes/ recycling time | 1000WS | 80+/ 3 sec |
# of flashes/ recycling time | 1200WS | 50+/ 4 sec |
# of flashes/ recycling time | 2400WS | NA |
Tronix Mini; Bag; Power cord; Instruction manual
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Viskas sklandu, prekes gavau labai greitai.Ačiū.
prieš 5 mėnesius
Uzsakiau pripuciama dziaguzi ir berenkant pamaciau kad truksta virsutinio ceholo.susisiekus su morex vyrukai maloniai bendravo.problema išsprende susisieke su gamintoju ir nepilnai menesio laikotarpio cehola nemokamai atsiunte. BRAVO!!! TAIP DIRBA RIMTOS FIRMOS!!! ir didelis ACIU !!!
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Viskas labai profesionaliai greitai, lempa puiki, pristatymas greitas. Rekomenduoju❤️
prieš 8 mėnesius
Pirkau irklentes, viskas super! labai greit atkeliavo per pora dienų. Labai geros kainos. tobulas vadybininkų aptarnavimas, buvo iškilę nesklandumų prie išsiunčiant užsakymą, bet problemą labai sklandžiai išsprendė akimirksniu. apibendrinant galiu pasakyti tik tiek, jog puikiai dirbat, mielai prieš konors ieškodamas interneto platybėse pradžiai užsuku į MOROX :)