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StudioKing Conical Snoot SK-CS25
StudioKing Conical Snoot SK-CS25
Kodas: B-573115 The SK-CS25 from StudioKing is a conical snoot that allows you to focus light in a narrow beam, for example to create a hair light or backlight. The snoot comes with a honeycomb, five color filters and is suitable for both 152mm and 144mm adapter rings (see optional accessories).
1x Conical snoot;1x Honeycomb;1x Connection for 144mm and 152mm adapter rings;1x Honeycomb;5x Color filter (white, green, yellow, red, blue)
With which flashes can I use the snoot?
You can basically use the SK-CS25 with any studio flash, as long as you have the right adapter ring (note: it is not included). This snoot itself offers connection for 144mm and 152mm adapter rings. So with the right adapter ring, you can use the snoot with flash units from brands like Falcon Eyes, StudioKing and Linkstar, as well as Bowens, Broncolor, Elinchrom, Falcon Eyes, Hensel, Multiblitz and Linkstar. This allows you to save a considerable amount of money, because you no longer need to buy the original accessories of a particular brand. You fix the adapter ring to the snoot using the four set screws.Application StudioKing Conical Snoot SK-CS25
This conical snoot is a useful tool for portrait photographers because you can easily bundle and focus the light. For example, you can use it to create a hair light. This creates a narrow, bundled light source, as it were, with which you light up the subject from the background, creating depth. You can also use the snoot as a background light when you photograph products or food. The filters allow you to add a colorful effect to your photo; the honeycomb allows you to direct the light even more. Of course you can also use the snoot without these accessories.1x Conical snoot;1x Honeycomb;1x Connection for 144mm and 152mm adapter rings;1x Honeycomb;5x Color filter (white, green, yellow, red, blue)
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