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Stealth Gear Jacket2 Forest Green size XXL
Stealth Gear Jacket2 Forest Green size XXL
Kodas: B-710172 The Extreme Jacket 2 Forest Green (Size: XXXL),Stealth-Gear is part of the Stealth Gear Extreme Range series, which is designed to give you, as photographer, the best protection in extreme weather situations. The Extreme Jacket2 is ideal for nature, sports and press photography where you will encounter a wide variety of situations.
This versatile jacket provides the right protection for yourself AND your precious equipment while not restricting your freedom of movement. With its many storage options, Stealth-Gear's Extreme Jacket2 makes it possible to go shooting without having to carry a heavy backpack. The colour is unobtrusive and the polyester micro suede material is treated with DuPont Teflon, among others. The fabric is breathable, won't get dirty easily and is waterproof. With this jacket, you can effortlessly handle a job that involves working in heavy rain for up to 8 hours.
1x Stealth Gear Jacket Jacket2 Forest Green size XXL
This versatile jacket provides the right protection for yourself AND your precious equipment while not restricting your freedom of movement. With its many storage options, Stealth-Gear's Extreme Jacket2 makes it possible to go shooting without having to carry a heavy backpack. The colour is unobtrusive and the polyester micro suede material is treated with DuPont Teflon, among others. The fabric is breathable, won't get dirty easily and is waterproof. With this jacket, you can effortlessly handle a job that involves working in heavy rain for up to 8 hours.
1x Stealth Gear Jacket Jacket2 Forest Green size XXL
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prieš 4 mėnesius
Pirkau akupunktūrinį kilimėlį ir pagalvę. Esu labai patenkinta! Kas dieną pradėjome naudoti, savo iniciatyva gulasi pagulėti net keturmetė. Ačiū labai, Morex! Rekomenduoju!
prieš 5 mėnesius
Uzsakiau pripuciama dziaguzi ir berenkant pamaciau kad truksta virsutinio ceholo.susisiekus su morex vyrukai maloniai bendravo.problema išsprende susisieke su gamintoju ir nepilnai menesio laikotarpio cehola nemokamai atsiunte. BRAVO!!! TAIP DIRBA RIMTOS FIRMOS!!! ir didelis ACIU !!!
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Viskas sklandu, prekes gavau labai greitai.Ačiū.
prieš 7 mėnesius
Pirkau irklentes, viskas super! labai greit atkeliavo per pora dienų. Labai geros kainos. tobulas vadybininkų aptarnavimas, buvo iškilę nesklandumų prie išsiunčiant užsakymą, bet problemą labai sklandžiai išsprendė akimirksniu. apibendrinant galiu pasakyti tik tiek, jog puikiai dirbat, mielai prieš konors ieškodamas interneto platybėse pradžiai užsuku į MOROX :)
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Viskas labai profesionaliai greitai, lempa puiki, pristatymas greitas. Rekomenduoju❤️