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Sirui C-Stand Kit CS02
Sirui C-Stand Kit CS02
Kodas: B-610221 This heavy-duty CS02 C-stand from Sirui is easy to take anywhere. That's because of the very compact way you fold it. The nice thing about this version is that it comes with wheels and sandbag. On location, the sturdy and robust. By using sturdy metal connecting parts, you use it safely in any production. The tripod is extendable between 150 cm and 320 cm. The spigot connection on top has a 1/4" male thread. Thus, the tripod supports virtually all equipment.
1x Tripod tube with 3 sections; 1x Base; 1x Crossbar; 2x Accessory Clamps; 4x Clamps; 3x Support Wheels; 1x Sandbag
Important features Sirui CS02
- Universally applicable: on the arm all accessories up to 5 kg are suitable and for the CS-02 c-stand tripod it is possible to mount 25kg. You use it one time for an LED light, another time for a microphone or other studio accessory.
- Heavy Duty: The tripod itself weighs 6.6kg. And when folded, it's only 150 cm long.
- Reliable: We understand that you have doubts whether the tripod is sturdy enough for your job. But don't worry! When you hold the CS02 for the first time, you immediately feel the quality. Almost all parts are made of metal.
Operation Sirui CS02
The rubber feet ensure that you place the CS02 safely on any surface. Then you can easily extend the tripod to the desired height. Locking the position is done firmly with the robust buttons. If you want to lower the tripod again, the spring system ensures that your equipment never falls down too hard.Sirui CS02 in practice
You have a lot of freedom in choosing the desired height. This ensures that the tripod has a minimum height of only 150 cm.1x Tripod tube with 3 sections; 1x Base; 1x Crossbar; 2x Accessory Clamps; 4x Clamps; 3x Support Wheels; 1x Sandbag
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