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Rolux V-Mount Battery RLC-230S 230Wh 14.8V 15500mAh
Rolux V-Mount Battery RLC-230S 230Wh 14.8V 15500mAh
Kodas: B-340005 The Rolux V-Mount Battery RLC-230S is a professional Lithium Ion battery with a capacity of 15.5Ah and 230Wh with LCD display. The battery status is displayed on the LCD display. The Battery is has a no memory function, which means that you can charge the battery at any time even if the battery isn’t completely empty. That way it won’t have any effect on the performance of the battery. Charging the battery will take approximately 6 hours with the Rolux 2KS. Battery Charger is not included, but can be found in the optional accessories tab below.
1x V-Mount Battery; 1x Manual; 1xWarranty card; 1x Packaging
Usage RLC-230S
The RLC-230S battery is compatible with all electrical devices with a V-Mount connection such as video cameras and LED lights. The difference between this V-mount battery and normal battery is the LCD display which shows you a detailed status of the battery. It displays different things for example; the time it takes to charge a battery when it is connected to a charger, and the estimated remaining time the battery still has.1x V-Mount Battery; 1x Manual; 1xWarranty card; 1x Packaging

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Viskas labai profesionaliai greitai, lempa puiki, pristatymas greitas. Rekomenduoju❤️
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Viskas sklandu, prekes gavau labai greitai.Ačiū.
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Uzsakiau pripuciama dziaguzi ir berenkant pamaciau kad truksta virsutinio ceholo.susisiekus su morex vyrukai maloniai bendravo.problema išsprende susisieke su gamintoju ir nepilnai menesio laikotarpio cehola nemokamai atsiunte. BRAVO!!! TAIP DIRBA RIMTOS FIRMOS!!! ir didelis ACIU !!!