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Rankų komplektas, skirtas jūsų nugaros raumenims treniruoti
Rankų komplektas, skirtas jūsų nugaros raumenims treniruoti
Kodas: back_muscle_set How to work out various muscles of your body effectively? The simplest and most well-known, always topical option – training sessions at the gym! There exist a lot of different exercise sets, but the result is always there - a beautiful and slim body, and, of course, excellent mood and well-being.
If you are the owner of a gym, you probably know that it will not be superfluous to have fitness equipment accessories at hand. Therefore, you will definitely need these handles - they are securely attached to the main device, and you can always easily replace the parts that have become unusable.
Come to collect the goods to our store in Riga, Maskavas iela 418b, or book the delivery to your home or to your gym. Remember - where there is a sound body there must be a sound mind!
Set contains:
If you are the owner of a gym, you probably know that it will not be superfluous to have fitness equipment accessories at hand. Therefore, you will definitely need these handles - they are securely attached to the main device, and you can always easily replace the parts that have become unusable.
Come to collect the goods to our store in Riga, Maskavas iela 418b, or book the delivery to your home or to your gym. Remember - where there is a sound body there must be a sound mind!
Set contains:
- Straight Cable Attachment with Handles DY-BT-153
- Straight Handle for Traction by the Head DY-BT-117
- Handle Cable Attachment for traction on the back with a wide grip DY-BT-110
- V Handle Cable Attachment DY-BT-116
Dažnai supirkta kartu

pastarąją savaitę
Pasirinkau pristatymą į pašto skyrių, tačiau kurjeris nepasimetė ir nusprendė pristatyti asmeniškai 🙂
prieš 5 mėnesius
Pirkau akupunktūrinį kilimėlį ir pagalvę. Esu labai patenkinta! Kas dieną pradėjome naudoti, savo iniciatyva gulasi pagulėti net keturmetė. Ačiū labai, Morex! Rekomenduoju!
prieš 6 mėnesius
Uzsakiau pripuciama dziaguzi ir berenkant pamaciau kad truksta virsutinio ceholo.susisiekus su morex vyrukai maloniai bendravo.problema išsprende susisieke su gamintoju ir nepilnai menesio laikotarpio cehola nemokamai atsiunte. BRAVO!!! TAIP DIRBA RIMTOS FIRMOS!!! ir didelis ACIU !!!
prieš 3 mėnesius
Viskas labai profesionaliai greitai, lempa puiki, pristatymas greitas. Rekomenduoju❤️
prieš 2 mėnesius
Viskas sklandu, prekes gavau labai greitai.Ačiū.