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Pool cover for frame pool 488 cm Bestway 58253

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Pool cover for frame pool 488 cm Bestway 58253
Kodas: 58253
Tipas Viršelis
Matmenys 488 cm
Garantija 2 metai

Bestway protective solar cover for protecting the pool from debris, heating water and retaining heat. Designed for pools with a diameter of 488 cm. The cover is spread on the water surface of the pool, covering the entire open surface. Made of high-quality film, has a cellular structure that refracts and scatters sunlight, which accelerates the heating of the water and reduces the transfer of heat from the water to the external environment.

Advantages of a solar cover for a pool:

  1. Allows water to heat up faster due to the greenhouse effect
  2. Slows down heat loss from the surface of the pool
  3. Protects the surface of the water from debris, dirt, leaves, insects


  • Length: 462 cm
  • Width: 462 cm
  • For pools 488 cm
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