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Orangemonkie LED Light Halo Bar

20+ tiekėjo sandėlyje
Per 10-20 d. po užsakymo
Orangemonkie LED Light Halo Bar
Kodas: B-291669
The Halo Bar system from Orangemonkie is an optional accessory for the Foldio3. The Halo Bar system consists of two compact LED bars, which you attach to the Foldio3 using the built-in neodymium magnets. In a single Halo Bar there are 24 LEDs, with a color temperature of 5700K. This gives just that little extra light for a good picture. With the supplied cable, you can connect the Halo Bars to a special power port of the Foldio3. This means that the lamps can not be used separately from the Foldio3.

Usage Halo Bar

In general, the Foldio3 has enough light for a good quality picture. However, in some situations, for example products with overhangs, it may be desirable to play with the angle of the light. A Halo Bar can, for example, illuminate the underside of a scale model of a car. The color temperature and LEDs of the Halo Bar are perfectly matched to the Foldio3.
Halo Bar

2x Halo Bar LED lamp; 1x Cable for connection to Foldio3; 1x Packaging

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