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Miops Smartphone Shutter Release MD-C1 with C1 cable for Canon

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Per 10-20 d. po užsakymo
Miops Smartphone Shutter Release MD-C1 with C1 cable for Canon
Kodas: B-189340
The Mobile Dongle from Miops is a cable to connect your iOS/ Android smartphone and tablet to your DSLR or mirrorless camera. The Miops Mobile application utilizes the smartphone's capabilities to offer creative modes like vibration, sound, motion and distance or even various timelapse modes to trigger your camera. It also provides basic shutter release modes like press & hold, press & lock, timed release, self timer and HDR. The most extra ordinary feature is the 'Scenario' mode which combines any of the available trigger options to create magic. Moreover, you can schedule your desired mode or sequence to fire at any time.

Combi C1-cable

This combi includes, next to the Mobile Dongle cable, a C1-cable. This combination makes it possible to connect your smartphone with, for example Canon cameras. There are also other cables available, for almost every Canon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, Samsung and Fujifilm camera. To view all available cables, search for ‘Miops connecting cable’.

Compatible cameras Mobile Dongle

When you want to connect your camera with your smartphone or tablet, you need the Mobile Dongle cable and an extra cable which is compatible with your camera. We offer multiple cables for almost every Canon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, Samsung and Fujifilm camera. You can view all available cables at the optional accessories.
  • Cable Release
  • Press&Hold
  • Press&Lock
  • Timed Release
  • Self Timer
  • Timed Release&Self Timer
  • Basic Timelapse
  • Long Exposure Timelapse
  • Bulb Ramping Timelapse
  • Road Lapse
  • HDR Timelapse
  • HDR Mode
  • Sound Mode
  • Vibration Mode
  • Motion Mode
  • Scenario (Includes Scheduling)

This product is suitable for the following cameras:

If you have another camera, please contact us for a suitable product.

1x Miops Mobile Dongle for iOS and Android; 1x C1-cable

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