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Kowa TSN-501 with free SVII 10x25
Kowa TSN-501 with free SVII 10x25
Kodas: B-2598Order this combo, consisting of 2x Kowa TSN-501 and receive
1 Kowa SVII 10x25 binoculars for FREE!
The Kowa Compact Spotting Scope TSN-501 20-40x50 is a compact light spotting range with 50 mm lens diameter based on the successful Kowa SV binoculars series. The size is very compact, the TSN-501 is only 23.9 cm long and weighs only 400 grams. This makes the TSN-501 excellent for going out into nature.The spotting scope comes complete with a fixed eyepiece which has an enlargement of 20-40x. The compact scope has a close focus and is already focused on 2.5 meters. Flowers and insects can be seen in detail. The eyepiece features a twist-up eye cap and is therefore also suitable for persons wth glases.
The TSN-501 features multi-coated lenses and the body is made of polycarbonate. The lenses are there for protected for scratches and the body can withstand impacts The spotting scope is gas filled with dry nitrogen gas and has waterproof class IPX6. This waterproof class allows the spotting scope to withstand rain.
Usage Kowa Compact Spotting Scope TSN-501 20-40x50
Due to its compact size and light weight, this is an excellent spotting scope for going out into nature. It has a close focus which ensures that you can observe within 2.5 meters, this enables you to observe insects and flowers in detail.2x Kowa TSN-501; 1x Kowa SVII 10x25
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