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24.12 - 26.12 – uždaryta
Konus Preparation Set Human Body (25 Pcs)
40,28 €
39,95 €
1 Parduotuvėje
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Konus Preparation Set Human Body (25 Pcs)
Kodas: B-434987 The Konus preparation set series consist a wide range of prepared slides from the wonderfull world of zoology, botanics and the human body. These series contain single-celled creatures, invertebrates (insects),vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals),botanics and the human body. Important themes as animal parasites and the animal/plant reproduction are covered as well. This way, children, students and microscope enthusiasts can learn more about the wonderfull world of microscopy.
This set cotains the following prepared slides:
1. Skin from axillary showing sweat glands, hair follicles.
2. Scalp showing hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
3. Finger nail, trasnversal section finger through the nail bed.
4. Parotid gland, a purely serous gland.
5. Sublingual gland, a mixed gland.
6. Esophagus and trachea, lateral section of both organs.
7. Gastric wall.
8. Intestine.
9. Appendix
10. Liver
11. Liver, pig fibrous trabeculae between lobules.
12. Gall bladder.
13. Pancreas, secretiong acini and island of Langerhans.
14. Lung.
15. Aorta, transversal section hemaotse & eosine and elastic tissue stain.
16. Artery and vein elastic tissue stain.
17. Kidney, section of cortical zone.
18. Ureter
19. Urinary baldder.
20. Uterine tube (oviduct) sec. through ampulla.
21. Male gonad
22. Spermatozoa smear.
23. Prostate.
24. Bone marrow with developing blood cells.
25. Thyroid gland.
Konus Preparation Set Human Body
This set cotains the following prepared slides:
1. Skin from axillary showing sweat glands, hair follicles.
2. Scalp showing hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
3. Finger nail, trasnversal section finger through the nail bed.
4. Parotid gland, a purely serous gland.
5. Sublingual gland, a mixed gland.
6. Esophagus and trachea, lateral section of both organs.
7. Gastric wall.
8. Intestine.
9. Appendix
10. Liver
11. Liver, pig fibrous trabeculae between lobules.
12. Gall bladder.
13. Pancreas, secretiong acini and island of Langerhans.
14. Lung.
15. Aorta, transversal section hemaotse & eosine and elastic tissue stain.
16. Artery and vein elastic tissue stain.
17. Kidney, section of cortical zone.
18. Ureter
19. Urinary baldder.
20. Uterine tube (oviduct) sec. through ampulla.
21. Male gonad
22. Spermatozoa smear.
23. Prostate.
24. Bone marrow with developing blood cells.
25. Thyroid gland.
- This set contains 25 different prepared slices about General Biology
- De prepared slices are packed in a pratical and attractive plastic box
- On each prepared slice there’s individual a discription.
- With each prepared slices set comes a discription containing which other sets are available
Konus Preparation Set Human Body
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Užsakiau irklentę su papildomu inventorium. Viskas atvyko, jau išbandyta, viskas gerai. Svarbiausias dalykas: ATVYKO PER VIENĄ DIENĄ. SUPER.
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Viskas labai profesionaliai greitai, lempa puiki, pristatymas greitas. Rekomenduoju❤️