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Gas grill Brenner G4N

345,00 €
-28 %
Patikslinti likutį
Gas grill Brenner G4N
Tipas Gas
Matmenys 118x50 cm
Aukštis 108 cm
Svoris 28 kg
Garantija 2 metai

A modern gas grill equipped with 4 burners allows you to prepare several dishes at the same time. The cast iron grate heats up quickly, which is why the device is ready to work almost immediately. It also conducts heat well, which in turn translates into the quality of ready meals. Equipped with folding side shelves, on which you can put away the necessary accessories during cooking, which increases the comfort during grilling. At the bottom there is a lockable cabinet where you can put a gas cylinder, which ensures the appropriate aesthetics. The set includes a reducer necessary to connect the cylinder. 

The device is equipped with a lid, which allows you to maintain the optimal temperature inside and prepare perfectly fried dishes. In addition, the cover protects the space next to the grill from excessive smoke around. The construction made of powder-coated steel translates into the reliability of the equipment.  

The garden grill is equipped with a number of amenities, thanks to which its use is extremely convenient and allows you to prepare excellent dishes. The lid, cabinet and side shelves are very useful. The grill also has transport wheels, thanks to which it can be conveniently moved to any place. 


  • Grill dimensions: 118 x 50 x 108 cm   
  • Single burner power: 2.7 kW
  • Grid: Cast iron
  • Construction: Steel
  • Additional equipment: Folding side shelves, transport wheels, two doors, cabinet, reducer
Dažnai supirkta kartu
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Sulankstomas staliukas 183x76cm + 2 Sulankstomas suolelis
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Ilgis: 183 cm
Plotis: 76 cm
Aukštis: 74 cm
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119,00 €
Dydis: 32 / 63x32 cm
Aukštis: 77 / 59 cm
Galingumas: 450 / 900 W

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