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DNP Paper Metallic 1 Roll ? 200 prints 15x20 for DS620
DNP Paper Metallic 1 Roll ? 200 prints 15x20 for DS620
Kodas: B-670613 The Metallic Dye Sublimation Photo Paper from DNP allows you to print high quality images, without white borders. The paper is able to display 16.7 million true colours and the laminate, which coats the paper, protects your photos against UV rays, dust, fingerprints and water droplets. The paper can be finished with four different coatings, without having to change the roll: fine matte, matte, luster and glossy.
The DM812820 paper is suitable for the DNP DS620 printer and has the ability to make 15 x 20 cm prints.
In the attachment at the bottom of this page you can download an ICC profile specially designed for the metallic paper. This gives the colors an even more beautiful metallic look.
1 Roll Paper, 200 Prints per Roll; 1 Ink Ribbon, Total of 200 Prints
The DM812820 paper is suitable for the DNP DS620 printer and has the ability to make 15 x 20 cm prints.
Luxury Metallic Media
You are currently viewing the metallic version of the paper. Because of the metallic look, the paper has a glossy, almost reflective finish. The metallic paper is of a heavier quality, which is also extra white. The density of black values is also higher. The metallic paper makes blue, orange and red colors stand out from the print. It also increases contrast and shadows. The vividness of the photo is more evident.In the attachment at the bottom of this page you can download an ICC profile specially designed for the metallic paper. This gives the colors an even more beautiful metallic look.
1 Roll Paper, 200 Prints per Roll; 1 Ink Ribbon, Total of 200 Prints
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