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Byomic Junior Telescope 40/400, 32x

20+ tiekėjo sandėlyje
Per 10-20 d. po užsakymo
Byomic Junior Telescope 40/400, 32x
Kodas: B-260512
Tipas Niutono
Padidinti 120
Diafragma 40 mm
Židinio santykis F/10
Okuliaro skersmuo 31.7 mm
Vamzdžio matmenys 40 cm
Garantija 2 metai

The Junior Mirror Telescope 40/400 with compass is a compact mirror telescope that can be set up within one minute. The only thing the beginner astronaut needs to do is to mount the mirror in the telescope and click the telescope in the standard. Erna can be chosen as one of the two eyepieces, and the universe can be found full of stars and planets. The telescope is ideal for children, thanks to the telescope, it is possible to start making sky observations. The telescope is resistant to a shot, and has a compass so that the correct position can be determined. The telescope's standard has been folded out at a height of 30 cm and features two buttons that allow the telescope to be set and locked.

With a mirror with a diameter of 40mm, the telescope is capable of finding planets and stars that are (relatively) close to us. To view the celestial bodies, the telescope is a searcher that allows the viewable object to be detected first to view the telescope.


  • Type: Refracting telescope
  • Designed for: Beginners
  • Series: Junior
  • Construction: Newton reflector
  • Optical Coverage: Standard
  • Aperture (mm): 40
  • Focal Ratio: F / 10
  • Magnification: 32
  • Focal Length (mm): 400
  • Tube dimensions (cm): 40
  • Eyepiece diameter (mm) 31.7
  • Tripod type: Aluminum
  • Slow Motion Control: Yes, Horizontal
  • Mount: Azimutal


  • 1x Refracting Telescope 40/400 with compass ;
  • Adjustable aluminum tripod with ocular holder;
  • 2 oculars: 20 and 12.5 mm;
  • 1x finder;
  • 1x Full color packaging

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