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Boya Special discount kit 3x BY-DM200 and 2x BY-DM100
Boya Special discount kit 3x BY-DM200 and 2x BY-DM100
Kodas: B-2607In this super-affordable Boya Advantage Kit you will receive
3x BY-DM200 and 2x BY-DM100
Boya BY-DM100
The Boya BY-DM100 is specially designed for products with a USB-C connection, such as Android phones.Boya BY-DM200
The Boya BY-DM200 is specially designed for products with a lightning connector.They are professional condenser microphones, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. They work without batteries and are powered by the device they are connected to. In addition, they come in a handy hard fabric case with zip; so you can easily take them anywhere.
Application Boya BY-DM100 and/or BY-DM200
The BY-DM100 and/or BY-DM200 are ideal for use in vlogs, interviews and webinars. Plug and Play, you connect them and as soon as you start a (film) recording, the microphone starts recording immediately. you can use the microphone to replace the regular microphone on your smartphone and have a much nicer sound when recording! Using the microphone, you can record sound up to 5 metres away, depending on the environment and acoustics.3x BY-DM200; 2x BY-DM100

pastarąją savaitę
Pasirinkau pristatymą į pašto skyrių, tačiau kurjeris nepasimetė ir nusprendė pristatyti asmeniškai 🙂
prieš 5 mėnesius
Pirkau akupunktūrinį kilimėlį ir pagalvę. Esu labai patenkinta! Kas dieną pradėjome naudoti, savo iniciatyva gulasi pagulėti net keturmetė. Ačiū labai, Morex! Rekomenduoju!
prieš 6 mėnesius
Uzsakiau pripuciama dziaguzi ir berenkant pamaciau kad truksta virsutinio ceholo.susisiekus su morex vyrukai maloniai bendravo.problema išsprende susisieke su gamintoju ir nepilnai menesio laikotarpio cehola nemokamai atsiunte. BRAVO!!! TAIP DIRBA RIMTOS FIRMOS!!! ir didelis ACIU !!!
prieš 3 mėnesius
Viskas labai profesionaliai greitai, lempa puiki, pristatymas greitas. Rekomenduoju❤️
prieš 2 mėnesius
Viskas sklandu, prekes gavau labai greitai.Ačiū.