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Air conditioner (heat pump) AlpicAir AWI-AWO-60HRDC1A Hyper Nordic series
Air conditioner (heat pump) AlpicAir AWI-AWO-60HRDC1A Hyper Nordic series
Kodas: AWI-AWO-60HRDC1APatalpa | 51-90 m² |
Energijos sąnaudos | 0.27-2.1 kW |
Vėsinimo galingumas | 1.2-7.2 kW |
Šildymo galingumas | 1.2-9.2 kW |
Kondicionieriaus matmenys | 33x111x25 cm |
Inverterio matmenys | 98x79x43 cm |
Garantija | 2 metai |
AlpicAir wall split type air conditioner series - HYPER NORDIC
The energy-saving and high-performance AlpicAir inverter air heat pump delivers a pleasant indoor climate even at very low outdoor temperatures. It operates quietly in both cooling and heating modes. The sound level is only 21dB.
The energy-saving and high-performance AlpicAir inverter air heat pump delivers a pleasant indoor climate even at very low outdoor temperatures. It operates quietly in both cooling and heating modes. The sound level is only 21dB. The heating mode has a power saving function that allows you to maintain a reduced room temperature up to +8 ° C, when you do not need comfort temperatures and helps you save energy. The operating mode and the set temperature are displayed on the unit's LED screen. Works with the latest generation of R32 freon refrigerant.
• Timer function;
• Energy class A +++ / A +++;
• Energy-saving +8 ° C room temperature mode;
• Auto-restart function;
• Low-temperature polar package;
• WiFi control;
• Works in heating mode until the air temperature does not exceed -30 ° C;
• Operates in cooling mode until the air temperature does not exceed -25 ° C.
The energy-saving and high-performance AlpicAir inverter air heat pump delivers a pleasant indoor climate even at very low outdoor temperatures. It operates quietly in both cooling and heating modes. The sound level is only 21dB.
The energy-saving and high-performance AlpicAir inverter air heat pump delivers a pleasant indoor climate even at very low outdoor temperatures. It operates quietly in both cooling and heating modes. The sound level is only 21dB. The heating mode has a power saving function that allows you to maintain a reduced room temperature up to +8 ° C, when you do not need comfort temperatures and helps you save energy. The operating mode and the set temperature are displayed on the unit's LED screen. Works with the latest generation of R32 freon refrigerant.
• Timer function;
• Energy class A +++ / A +++;
• Energy-saving +8 ° C room temperature mode;
• Auto-restart function;
• Low-temperature polar package;
• WiFi control;
• Works in heating mode until the air temperature does not exceed -30 ° C;
• Operates in cooling mode until the air temperature does not exceed -25 ° C.
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