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Carson Pocket microscope MicroMini 20x with UV and LED, 15-piece Display

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Carson Pocket microscope MicroMini 20x with UV and LED, 15-piece Display
Kodas: B-186455
Padidinti 20x
Garantija 2 metai

This display consists of 15 Carson Pocket Microscopes (5x Orange, 5x Green and 5x Orange) at an attractive price!

Do you want to always have a microscope in your pocket? Then the Carson MicroMini is the right choice. Perfect for extremely magnifying fabrics, flowers, foliage, among other things. This pocket microscope has 20x magnification and is equipped with UV light. This allows you to observe hidden objects in currency. Because the MM-280 features LED illumination, you can also use it as a torch to explore your surroundings.

Application Carson Pocket microscope MicroMini 20x

With the Carson MicroMini 20x on your keychain, your pocket microscope is always within reach. Place the microscope above the object and turn the focus ring to get a sharp image.
The Carson MicroMini 20x has several lighting options. Slide the LED knob down to illuminate the object. Slid up, the MicroMini works as a torch.
This microscope is also equipped with a UV lamp. It is easy to use by pressing the UV button on the side.

15x Carson Pocket Microscope MicroMini 20x;1x Display

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